Now that it's on, we're out in the front of this marathon
I never really thought we were in such a big fight, until the other night . You see me and my sister share a room and have all but 4 years of my life! And Saturday she had a friend over and so I was in my room alone! I was getting ready for bed and I turned the light off and all of the sudden I felt this feeling that I was not alone in the room like some one was watching me. This wasn’t the first time that it has happened to me before but normally I let it be and try to go to sleep. but this time it was so strong I couldn’t do that! So I thought this is not of God so I said with as much confidence as I could muster IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST GET OUT! And it left. I was fine! War can be ugly. And this one is going to be big! Cause We're on the enemy's hit list. So step back I'm on a one way track, devil To take back all the things that you've stolen. And with the power of God I'm gonna persevere. 'Cause with my sword drawn you're gonna feel defeat. In this battle only strong survive.

I'm gonna keep fighting till God prevails Cause the alarm has been rung Praise to God has been sung The victory dance has been done The battle's over and GUESS WHO'S WON

Jesus Christ is the Original Superman.

I know I’m his side are you?

bold=lyrics taken from 3 different pillar songs.

One love
One God
Only one way
Amy E. Goodwin


Jesus said all authority has been given to us. I am glad you knew to use it. Many go to sleep each night sith no way to defend themselves from such things. This post could help many.
Jessica Sanford said…
Thanks for casting the demons out of my bed, dear :) It was in need of a good exorcism.
Krissy said…
Yes! Victory is sweet, huh? I get that feeling sometimes at night when I'm in bed but it never gets to bother me for long because my God is stronger!! :)

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